How it's made
SkiRoad has a frame made of elastomerized Polyamide, a high-performance thermoplastic resin that allows it to resist stress, dampen vibrations and deform just enough to help with steering.
In laboratory tests it has resisted more than 200 kg of weight without being damaged.
The SkiRoad tip protects against the danger of overturning and has an adjustment screw to set the curve radius.
SkiRoad is a steering skate completely designed and manufactured by Maplast snc, based in Potenza Picena, Macerata.
Carving or inline skates?
The Carving model by Skiroad, with a steering system that comes into action by tilting the skate to the side, is similar in sensation to a slalom ski. It turns according to the curve radius for which it is built, which is adjustable from about 5 to 10 meters. CARVING 4 has a brake while CARVING 5 does not have a brake but has 1 more wheel instead of a brake and is therefore slightly longer and more stable.
Skiroad inline skates include the following models:
– ENJOY , has 4 80 mm wheels + brake and aluminum frame, it is very similar to a normal roller.
– ENJOY JUNIOR, specifically for children up to 50 kg in weight, has 4 wheels but with different diameters to create a rounded profile like ice skates (this feature makes it very easy to handle), the frame is in very light and comfortable Polyamide Resin.
– TURN AROUND : has 5 wheels without brake, it is longer but of the 5 wheels the main ones are the 3 central wheels which are 84 mm while the first and last are smaller 80 mm. This feature makes the skate very easy to handle and steer, suitable for very narrow slaloms or exercises even on flat terrain, while maintaining a certain stability even at speed.
– CARBON GOLD , is similar to the Turn Around model, but has a frame in special carbon resin (20%), a material that has allowed the creation of a geometry with a lower center of gravity that facilitates the sensation of stability while maintaining a torsional rigidity comparable to aluminum.
The Enjoy and Turn Around models feature a racing aluminum alloy frame that makes them very light, rigid and precise, suitable for athletes weighing even more than 80 kg.
With SkiRoad the muscles involved are 85/90% of the entire apparatus.
It is indicated for sports activities, for a complete workout, as preparatory sports equipment for skiing, as an aid for proprioceptive motor education, for post-traumatic re-education.
It keeps all five main forms of motor stress in exercise (resistance, speed, strength, mobility, coordination).
The movement is not traumatic for the joints and above all it is not dangerous for the knees.
With SkiRoad the risk of falling is lower than with rollerblades and skirolls; it also works at low speed and is stable even at high speeds (thanks to the frame that dampens vibrations).